Holiday Remedy Kit

The holiday season brings its share of troubles with it; so here are a few quick homeopathic solutions you can use. 

Aconite: For all discomfort brought on by shock, fright or exposure to cold, dry winds. Pains are intense, develop suddenly and can be excruciating.

Arnica: Whether your bruise came from skiing or surfing or simply taking a tumble down the stairs, Arnica is your go-to injury remedy. The part feels sore, lame and beaten up and everything you lie on feels hard.

Argentum nitricum: The remedy for anxiety produced by what-ifs: flying, meeting the parents, performing at the local Christmas play. Needing the toilet very frequently for diarrhoea induced by anxiety or simply too many sweets.

Arsenicum album: Food poisoning with stinky discharges that drains all strength left at all. You feel thirsty frequently and can’t seem to get warm.

Belladonna: Intense throbbing pains- throat, ear, tummy that come on fast and hard. Red, flushed face.

Coffea Cruda: The excitement and hullaballoo has been too much and now you can’t sleep. Headache from overstimulation. 

Carbo veg: You need to loosen all your clothing coz you feel bloated like a drum. Even the simplest foods disagree and you feel better if you can let fly. You’re feeling lifeless but perk up with fresh air.

 Hepar sulph: Colds and coughs with thick, yellow discharges. You’re all congested and can’t tolerate the slightest draft of air.

 Natrum mur: The festivities dig out deep seated, pent -up grief for that person you lost. Your sadness is immense and yet you find the tears hard to shed.

 Nux vomica: You partied too hard, drank too much and now you have a hell of a hangover. Vomiting makes you feel better. The slightest noise or light drives you to irritation. 

For potency, we recommend either C 30 or 200; take 4 pills and repeat only when the improvement stops. In very intense situations this might be every 15-60 mins or is less intense ones; every 2-4 hours. In certain cases, you might be entirely ok after just a single dose. If after 3-4 doses you don’t feel a significant difference; you probably need a different remedy. 

In that case, feel free to reach out to us!


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