Homeopathy for sports injuries

Perhaps you bench-pressed too vigorously, jogged too much, or tried a complicated movement when your body was not warm enough. For those who are regularly irregular at exercising, you know how those muscles/bones creak and groan when you try to push them into motion. Here are our top ten homeopathic remedies for sports injuries for those annoying niggles that keep you from working out and staying fit. 

Disclaimer: this content is educational and not intended to replace medical advice.
Please see your healthcare provider when injured!

  1.  ARNICA is the undisputed king of injuries. It can be used in falls, blows, contusions, sprains, or when bruising is easily visible. Sore, lame bruised pains. You can’t bear to let the injured part be touched, even the slightest touch aggravates the pain.  

  2. BELLIS PERENNIS for bruising that is likely to be deep; as in a direct blow to the quads in football or any other contact sports. Good for sprains. The sensation of muscle tightness. Useful in pelvic trauma and injuries to the breast. 

  3. BRYONIA for inflammation of all kinds with tender swellings. Affected parts are very painful to touch and worse with the slightest motion. Must be kept very still. The sensation of pins and needles. 

  4. CALENDULA tincture in warm water to soothe fresh, open wounds. It promotes rapid healing and prevents suppuration and scars. It may also be taken internally. 

  5. HYPERICUM for crushed, bloody injuries especially involving the fingers, toes, and spine. Excruciating nerve-pains. Worse by cold application and touch but strangely better by rubbing the affected part. 

  6. LEDUM for a sprained ankle which looks black with bruising. It has the sensation of being cold, yet heat worsens the pain. Applying ice brings tremendous relief. Also useful in punctured wounds. 

  7. MAGNESIUM PHOS dissolved in water and sipped every minute for immediate relief from muscle cramps. The cramps are usually relieved by hard pressure and warm applications. 

  8. RHUS TOX for sprains in larger muscles, feeling of being seized up. After an intense workout session when the muscles feel stiff. The pains are terrible on first starting to move, but they get better with continued movement and stretching of limbs. The skin may be red, sore, and itching. 

  9. RUTA is used for all injuries involving flexor tendons, ankles, wrists, cartilage, and the periosteum (tissue covering the bones). Especially indicated after weight-bearing activities- eg. lifting a dumbbell inaccurately and spraining the wrist or back. Pains are sore, bruised, and aching. Better by movement, warmth, and rubbing. Hard pressure makes it worse. 

  10. SYMPHYTUM is commonly called bone-setter and indicates precisely the same. It helps hasten bone regeneration in fractures and bruises of the bone or periosteum (tissue covering the bones). Great in injuries to the eye- eg. black eye after trauma. 

Caution: As Homoeopathy is not one-size-fits-all; remember not all bruises will respond to the same medicine. Keep a look out for special symptoms of the remedy as explained below.  

More severe injuries like a meniscus or rotator cuff will require a qualified homeopath’s expertise. When in doubt, don’t! Ask. We’re only a text or call away!


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