Homeopathic sea remedies

Given that homeopathy has around 8,000 remedies, it’s easier to study them in groups. Broadly these are based on the source of the remedy: plants, animals and minerals. They can be studied in various combinations like milk remedies, animal poisons, halogens; etc.

  • What do Oyster Shell, Sea Water and Cuttle Fish have in common besides all coming from the sea? 

    • They are also homeopathic remedies that we use in various acute and chronic conditions. 

    • The Oyster Shell, known as Calcarea carb is a mineral remedy frequently seen in children’s prescriptions. 

    • Aqua Marina as the name suggests is made from sea water and used in acute, purulent throat infections. 

    • Sea sponge used to make Spongia Tosta, looks like a plant but is actually a primitive animal. It is helpful in violent coughs and dry asthma 

    • Cuttlefish is the source of the well-known remedy Sepia. It is beneficial in a lot of hormonal imbalances, especially in menopausal women. 

    • Other remedies include Natrum mur (salt), Octopus, Murex (Snail), Ambra Grisea (Whale), Asteria rubra 

Affinity with water
People who need sea remedies often like to be near water or by the sea; and enjoy activities like swimming, scuba diving, and surfing. Water seems frightening, with hidden, unseen depths and threats. E.g. fear of drowning, fear of sharks. 

Vulnerability & Protection 
They feel VULNERABLE and have a need protection. Fear of being injured, touched, invaded, or penetrated, including sexually; the need for SAFETY: “I stay inside my shell.” WITHDRAWAL from bad experiences; try to hide or escape, withdraw emotionally. Physically there may be contractions, spasms, cramps, and numbness. 

SENSITIVE to PAIN and SUFFERING; sensitive to mental impressions; sensitive to MUSIC, noise, odors. Or the other extreme of NUMBNESS; emotional indifference, unfeeling. 

Relationship Problems 
ISSUES WITH BEING OPEN, INTIMATE, Sexual. LACK OF TRUST. PROBLEMS CONNECTING to other people; WITHDRAW inside themselves; difficulty with communication. Problems relating to their partner, children, close family; estrangement; feeling forsaken, abandoned, misunderstood. Ailments from: loss of a relationship; disappointed love. HURT and GRIEF: A tendency to dwell on negative past experiences and withdraw as a protection against further hurt or loss. 

Eating disorders, anorexia, or overeating. FOOD ALLERGIES, intolerances: salt, milk, wheat, fish, and shellfish, rich food. Cravings for SALT, milk, and fish. 

Immaturity & Dependency 
DEVELOPMENTAL PROBLEMS; emotionally and psychologically. Immaturity; reluctant to leave home; internal conflict between self-sufficiency, dependency, and independency. 

RESISTANT TO CHANGE. Anxieties about moving house. Difficulties with MOTION; stiffness, paralysis. Some remedies have to move and be active, even overwork.  


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