How long should I breastfeed?

There’s so much conflicting information about how long to breastfeed. Here is some food for thought. 

Know your facts and then make your decision. Above all, be kind to yourself! 


The first 6 months 

Exclusive breastfeeding. This means not even water is needed. And definitely no solids, honey or other milks. Second best choice after mother’s milk is banked milk (from another mother) or next choice is formula. 

The first year 

Solids are introduced once baby is ready (post coming soon with how to recognize this) but milk (mum’s or formula) is still the main source of nutrition. 

WHO recommends breastfeeding until 2 years. Natural weaning occurs anytime between 2 to 7 years. 

In Reality? 

Life, illness, mental health, whatever else may disrupt your best intentions. So do your best.  

Any amount of breastfeeding is better than nothing. 

And if not, remember that Fed is Best!


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