Did you know relactation is possible?
Over 80% of parents don’t. Even a vast majority of health care providers don’t know this.
The body is marvellously built and can restart producing milk.
Relactation is the process of restablishing milk supply in the parent who has previously been pregnant or who has breastfed a baby. In other words, if you stopped breastfeeding, it is possible to restart.
Why relactate?
Breastfeeding was initially mismanaged
Change of heart about weaning
Prior breastfeeding issues have been resolved
Natural disaster or infant emergency
There are several protocols we use as lactation professionals to help you restart your milk supply.
Traditional, Herbal, Pumping, Avery and Newman-Goldfarb are most commonly used.
Studies show that 83% of parents have been successful at relactating. Relactating also means baby and parent reap the nutritional and non-nutritional benefits of breastfeeding once more.
Do you wish to relactate?